Since the day that we told Ashton that Jac had TWO babies in her belly he asked when he could play with them. When the boys were born, almost three months ago we told Ashton and Reese that Cash and Walker were now out of Jac's belly and at home with her and Capt. Mark (that is what Ashton calls Mark since he has a boat...Mark loves this!). Well due to doctor's orders the boys have been living in somewhat of a bubble with very limited visitors, only adults who have had their flu shots too, and no kids. Well as of Friday, the doctor gave the green light. So this weekend Ashton and Reese got to meet their cousins, Cash and Walker. I am a very proud mom as both Ashton and Reese were SO gentle and sweet with the boys. Both of the kids listened to what all of us told them to do and both gave the sweetest kisses on their heads. I can't wait for these four to start making some great memories together!
In case you aren't sure who is who....Walker

Ashton and Cash...I love how Cash was smiling at Ashton in this one

Ms. Reese and Aunt Jac

Ashton, Cash, Walker and Reese

Ashton being a very good Big Cousin making sure Walker was okay