-Eating: Started on Rice Cereal/Oatmeal twice a day...you LOVE your food. When you see the spoon you start kicking your legs and then grunt between bites. You get a bit angry when it is all gone. You still nurse around 2-3 times a day and are taking a combo of formula/pumped milk (4-5 bottles) a day, but on the weekends we try to do more nursing...still only taking about 4 oz with each bottle, tried upping it but you just spit up more so we will stick with what works
-Sleeping: You don't want to miss anything so the babysitter calls you the Queen of Catnaps! You normally take a good nap in the morning for around an hour or so, then dose on and off throughout the day (about 2-3 30 min naps). Time change has done a doozie on you at night but we have managed to push bedtime to around 7 PM and you still wake up somewhere around 2-3, nurse then go back down for a few more hours which is good. Rarely do you get fussy but when you are ready for bed, you better put you down because you are done!
-Playing: You like tummy time and playing with these soft toy blocks, toys that light up/make noise and a purple pillow of Mommy's. You LOVE Mickey Mouse and smile at Ashton's stuffed animal and then hug him. We have started letting you play in the exersaucer that you can walk around in and play with the different toys and you love it. I think your favorite "toy" is your own hands and feet. Many times you will just be staring at your hands and get so excited. When you eat you are holding one of two things, Mommy's hand (which I love) or your own foot. Oh baby girl, I hope you can always touch your toes with such ease!
-People: You really recognize everyone now and your own name. It is still very apparent that you idolize your brother, Ashton, and he does the same with you. I am not going to deny that I have used your charm to get him out of a bad mood because when he looks at you he can't help but smile and busts out with "Hey Reesy Peesy!" I LOVE how you and him interact with each other and pray it is always like this. He is already a very protective big brother and you are the apple of his eye!
-Other tidbits...you are in 3-6 month clothing, some 3 months still fit, size 1 diapers...getting ready to move to size 2, has lost a considerable amount of hair but still has some on top, and above all else you SMILE ALL THE TIME! When you wake up you stretch out and then when you see me, you grin from ear to ear. Our mornings together are my favorite time of the day and on the weekends when all four of us climb into Mommy and Daddy's bed I am in heaven! Oh Reese, we love you so much!